- ucv.clWorldwide Rank42,798
- ucv.clMonthly Users*198,1836,393 per day*
- ucv.clMonthly Pageviews*778,86125,124.55 per day*
ucv.cl updated ago
ucv.cl is a website that ranks 42,798 in Alexa. ucv.cl is ranked 48,577 on statisy and has 69,409 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) ucv.cl is identical to the domain name ucv.cl. The domain is registered under the domain suffix cl and is named ucv. The ucv.cl Server is hosted by niversidad Catolica de Valparaiso and is located in Chile (Valparaiso). ucv.cl is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing ucv.cl's demographics we have determined that ucv.cl average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that ucv.cl's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about ucv.cl's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Hispanic.ucv.cl's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsucv.cl Statistics Icons
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ucv.cl Backlinks (69,409 total backlinks)
- 23,900
- 40
- 45,400
- 40
- 29
ucv.cl Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 42,967 0.0034% 0% 6.2 25.3% 8.38 14.6%
- 1 month 43,348 0.00345% 0% 5.2 32.8% 5.97 23.1%
- 3 month 42,798 0.00368% 0% 3.93 38% 4.38 29.6%
ucv.cl Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- icc.ucv.cl 22.1% 172,128 43,798
- aulavirtual.ucv.cl 20.3% 158,109 40,231
- ucv.cl 19.7% 153,436 39,042
- agora.ucv.cl 9.7% 75,550 19,224
- pucv.cl 3.5% 27,260 6,936
- anatomiahumana.ucv.cl 2.7% 21,029 5,351
- nave3.ucv.cl 2.5% 19,472 4,955
- enlaces.ucv.cl 2.5% 19,472 4,955
- ejb.ucv.cl 1.9% 14,798 3,765
- inf.ucv.cl 1.8% 14,019 3,567
- ead.pucv.cl 1.3% 10,125 2,576
- tutoriasvirtuales.ucv.cl 1.3% 10,125 2,576
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- ima.ucv.cl 1.1% 8,567 2,180
- nave5.ucv.cl 1% 7,789 1,982
- navegador.ucv.cl 1% 7,789 1,982
- biblioteca.ucv.cl 0.9% 7,010 1,784
- dossier.ucv.cl 0.6% 4,673 1,189
- opac.ucv.cl 0.5% 3,894 991
- cursos.ucv.cl 0.4% 3,115 793
- sad.ucv.cl 0.4% 3,115 793
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- geografia.ucv.cl 0.3% 2,337 595
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- virtual.ucv.cl 0.2% 1,558 396
- naver.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- nave.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- ilcl.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
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- dider.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- educacion.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
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- itra.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- fis.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- exploraquinta.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
- aranceles.ucv.cl 0.1% 779 198
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- simulatupostulacion.ucv.cl 0% 0 0
ucv.cl Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Chile 214 55.6% 433,047 110,190
- Mexico 10,948 9.3% 72,434 18,431
- Peru 3,810 7% 54,520 13,873
- Spain 24,065 4.8% 37,385 9,513
- Venezuela 6,376 4.4% 34,270 8,720
- Argentina 10,465 4.2% 32,712 8,324
- Ecuador 3,388 2.2% 17,135 4,360
- Colombia 12,866 2.1% 16,356 4,162
- United States 757,515 1.2% 9,346 2,378
- Dominican Republic 9,000 1% 7,789 1,982
- Panama 4,507 0.9% 7,010 1,784
- Bolivia 6,072 0.8% 6,231 1,585
- Costa Rica 14,911 0.5% 3,894 991
- Other 6.1% 47,511 12,089
ucv.cl Keywords
- 2.1% pucv
- 1.22% universidad catolica de valparaiso
- 0.72% percentil
- 0.58% resultados psu
- 0.48% tutorias virtuales
- 0.38% correos de chile
- 0.35% infograma
- 0.32% ucv
- 0.31% pontificia universidad catolica de valparaiso
- 0.29% pucv arte
- 0.85% odisea
- 0.2% iso 690
- 0.2% percentil
- 0.19% camila silva parmo
- 0.17% loyola
- 0.16% tecnicas de inventario para periodo fijo
- 0.16% musculos del abdomen
- 0.13% universidad de valparaiso
- 0.12% agronomia pucv
- 0.11% poseidon
- 0.6% pucv
- 0.29% universidad catolica de valparaiso
- 0.24% resultados psu
- 0.2% pontificia universidad catolica de valparaiso
- 0.2% pucv arte
- 0.18% tutorias virtuales
- 0.17% emm386
- 0.14% himem.sys
- 0.12% hans lipershey
- 0.11% aula virtual
ucv.cl DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.ucv.cl 2 188,443
- qip1.redip.cl 2 153,277
- ns.ucv.cl 2 188,442
ucv.cl Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
- IP Address:
- ISP: niversidad Catolica de Valparaiso
- Country Name: Chile
- Region: Valparaiso
- City: Valparaíso
- Latitude: -33.0478
- Longitude: -71.6011
- Postal Code:
-33.0478,-71.6011ucv.cl IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- niversidad Catolica de Valparaiso 16742 lacnic
- niversidad Catolica de Valparaiso 16742 lacnic
ucv.cl Demographics
- 18-2449
- 25-34-12
- 35-34-17
- 45-54-10
- 55-64-40
- 65+0
- No College-32
- Some College-37
- College-13
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K32
- $30 - $60K-23
- $60 - $100K-3
- $100K+-3
- Male20
- Female-17
Has Children
- Yes-3
- No1
Browsing Location
- Home15
- School0
- Work-12
- African0
- African American-25
- Asian-48
- Caucasian-42
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-42
- Other-29
Runs On Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
- Domain PR Rank
- estravel.ee 6 341,787
- thelatest.co.uk 0 702,207
- cleardebtsolution.co.uk 0 702,498
- creditinfocenter.com 5 101,797
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- 18-24