- unca.eduWorldwide Rank116,557
- unca.eduMonthly Users*69,2322,233.29 per day*
- unca.eduMonthly Pageviews*207,6966,699.87 per day*
unca.edu updated ago
UNC Asheville :: North Carolina’s Public Liberal Arts UniversityAs a public liberal arts university, the University of North Carolina at Asheville offers undergraduate degree programs in the arts and humanities, the natural and social sciences, and selected pre-professional programs firmly grounded in the liberal arts.
unca.edu Tags
unca.edu is a website that ranks 116,557 in Alexa. unca.edu is ranked 153,763 on statisy and has 71,587 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at May 16 1989 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) unca.edu is identical to the domain name unca.edu. The domain is registered under the domain suffix edu and is named unca. The unca.edu Server is hosted by MCNC and is located in United States (North Carolina). unca.edu is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing unca.edu's demographics we have determined that unca.edu average users are 18-24 years old, with College. We also have determined that unca.edu's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about unca.edu's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.unca.edu's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsunca.edu Statistics Icons
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unca.edu Backlinks (71,587 total backlinks)
- 24,300
- 350
- 46,100
- 416
- 421
unca.edu Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 1 month 132,327 0.00127% 0% 3 56.9% 3.48 46.4%
- 3 month 116,557 0.00142% 0% 3 57.5% 3.04 39.2%
unca.edu Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- unca.edu 52.3% 108,625 36,208
- uwc.unca.edu 28.3% 58,778 19,593
- cs.unca.edu 8.7% 18,070 6,023
- facstaff.unca.edu 8.5% 17,654 5,885
- lib.unca.edu 2.2% 4,569 1,523
unca.edu Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 34,375 69.1% 143,518 47,839
- India 195,678 6.5% 13,500 4,500
- United Kingdom 218,223 2.7% 5,608 1,869
- Germany 414,451 1.6% 3,323 1,108
- Canada 242,257 1.2% 2,492 831
- Argentina 83,275 1.1% 2,285 762
- Philippines 111,497 1% 2,077 692
- Other 16.9% 35,101 11,700
unca.edu Keywords
- 3.9% unc asheville
- 1.68% UNCA
- 0.83% nantahala national forest
- 0.57% pisgah national forest
- 0.5% uwharrie national forest
- 0.49% University of North Carolina
- 0.49% university of north carolina asheville
- 0.46% uwharrie national park
- 0.45% bridal veil falls
- 0.43% uwharrie
- 0.82% UNCA
- 0.36% unca.edu
- 0.26% pisgah national forest
- 0.24% university of north carolina asheville
- 0.16% lipinsky auditorium
- 0.16% unc academic calendar
- 0.12% unca withdrawl
- 0.12% judaculla rock
- 0.1% assure
- 0.08% unca snow line
- 1.05% unc asheville
- 0.61% nantahala national forest
- 0.39% unica
- 0.25% bridal veil falls
- 0.15% linville falls
- 0.12% unca career center
- 0.12% uwharrie
- 0.11% uwharrie national forest
- 0.09% unca bookstore
- 0.09% unc study abroad
unca.edu DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ncnoc.ncren.net 38 11,105
- balsam.unca.edu 1 205,775
- craggy.unca.edu 1 205,776
unca.edu Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.12
- IP Address:
- Country Name: United States
- Region: North Carolina
- City: Cary
- Latitude: 35.8059
- Longitude: -78.7997
- Postal Code: 27513
- Website Age: old
35.8059,-78.7997unca.edu IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- MCNC 81 arin
unca.edu Demographics
- 18-2428
- 25-34-16
- 35-34-11
- 45-5416
- 55-6410
- 65+-7
- No College-15
- Some College-8
- College9
- Graduate School1
- $0 - $30K-3
- $30 - $60K-7
- $60 - $100K16
- $100K+-4
- Male-18
- Female28
Has Children
- Yes-11
- No10
Browsing Location
- Home-2
- School26
- Work-1
- African-32
- African American7
- Asian-27
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-28
- Middle Eastern-25
- Other-29
Powered By PHP/5.2.12
- Domain PR Rank
- upohar2me.com 1 0
- mnsbr.com 0 702,093
- ultimate-rbd.org 0 702,121
- nawa-e-islam.com.pk 0 702,155
- cs-servers.co.il 1 702,166
Runs On Microsoft-IIS/7.0
- Domain PR Rank
- bbking.com 6 341,749
- aspentimes.com 6 170,696
- gjfreepress.com 0 702,098
- reiluhuuto.fi 0 702,099
- greeleytribune.com 5 170,698
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- 18-24