- uspto.govWorldwide Rank3,265
- uspto.govMonthly Users*1,724,81255,639.1 per day*
- uspto.govMonthly Pageviews*14,954,123482,391.06 per day*
uspto.gov updated ago
United States Patent and Trademark Officeuspto.gov is a website that ranks 3,265 in Alexa. uspto.gov is ranked 3,168 on statisy and has 231,782 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) uspto.gov is identical to the domain name uspto.gov. The domain is registered under the domain suffix gov and is named uspto. The uspto.gov Server is hosted by United States Patent and Trademark Office and is located in United States (Virginia). uspto.gov is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing uspto.gov's demographics we have determined that uspto.gov average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that uspto.gov's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about uspto.gov's average user, they have Children and browse from Work and are Caucasian.uspto.gov's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsuspto.gov Statistics Icons
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uspto.gov Backlinks (231,782 total backlinks)
- 144,000
- 5,922
- 74,100
- 4,390
- 3,370
uspto.gov Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 3,220 0.034% 0% 10.1 29.6% 8.2 22.7%
- 7 day 3,416 0.033% 0% 8.5 26.8% 6.53 27.1%
- 1 month 3,390 0.0327% 0% 8.6 26.6% 6.31 25.9%
- 3 month 3,265 0.0332% 0% 8.67 28% 6.11 24.1%
uspto.gov Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- tess2.uspto.gov 25.8% 3,858,164 445,001
- uspto.gov 22.3% 3,334,769 384,633
- patft.uspto.gov 21.2% 3,170,274 365,660
- appft1.uspto.gov 5% 747,706 86,241
- tmportal.uspto.gov 4.4% 657,981 75,892
- portal.uspto.gov 4.2% 628,073 72,442
- patimg1.uspto.gov 2.7% 403,761 46,570
- teas.uspto.gov 2.4% 358,899 41,395
- teasplus.uspto.gov 2.2% 328,991 37,946
- tarr.uspto.gov 2% 299,082 34,496
- estta.uspto.gov 1.4% 209,358 24,147
- patimg2.uspto.gov 1.3% 194,404 22,423
- ttabvue.uspto.gov 1% 149,541 17,248
- sportal.uspto.gov 1% 149,541 17,248
- epas.uspto.gov 0.9% 134,587 15,523
- webmail.uspto.gov 0.6% 89,725 10,349
- oedci.uspto.gov 0.4% 59,816 6,899
- eteas.uspto.gov 0.4% 59,816 6,899
- assignments.uspto.gov 0.3% 44,862 5,174
- ebiz1.uspto.gov 0.2% 29,908 3,450
- ramps.uspto.gov 0.2% 29,908 3,450
- aiw1.uspto.gov 0.1% 14,954 1,725
- aiw2.uspto.gov 0.1% 14,954 1,725
- ptohided.uspto.gov 0.1% 14,954 1,725
- patft1.uspto.gov 0% 0 0
uspto.gov Keywords
- 6.21% trademark search
- 4.34% uspto
- 2.84% us patent office
- 2.7% trademark
- 2.66% patent
- 2.38% patent search
- 1.63% us patent
- 1.29% Patents
- 0.92% us patent search
- 0.77% Tess
- 0.51% Patents
- 0.41% uspto
- 0.39% patent search
- 0.27% forms
- 0.25% legend of kunoichi
- 0.2% trademark registration
- 0.18% patent and trademark office
- 0.14% us patent search
- 0.13% us trademark
- 0.13% uspto oed
- 0.49% trademark
- 0.4% us patent office
- 0.36% us patent
- 0.25% trademark search
- 0.2% trademark filing
- 0.15% uspto trademark search
- 0.12% trade mark
- 0.11% us patents
- 0.1% how to patent an idea
- 0.09% private pair
uspto.gov DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- dns1.uspto.gov 1 257,621
- dns2.uspto.gov 1 257,622
uspto.gov Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: United States Patent and Trademark Office
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Virginia
- City: Alexandria
- Latitude: 38.7909
- Longitude: -77.0947
- Postal Code:
38.7909,-77.0947uspto.gov IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- United States Patent and Trademark Office 5744 arin
- United States Patent and Trademark Office 5744 arin
uspto.gov Demographics
- 18-24-15
- 25-34-7
- 35-3410
- 45-5410
- 55-642
- 65+-8
- No College-16
- Some College-2
- College2
- Graduate School3
- $0 - $30K-20
- $30 - $60K-14
- $60 - $100K4
- $100K+45
- Male10
- Female-9
Has Children
- Yes4
- No-4
Browsing Location
- Home-14
- School-11
- Work21
- African-29
- African American12
- Asian-34
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-18
- Middle Eastern-33
- Other-26
Runs On Apache
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- fekrgostar.ir 0 0
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