- uvt.nlWorldwide Rank45,255
- uvt.nlMonthly Users*187,3556,043.71 per day*
- uvt.nlMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
uvt.nl updated ago
Universiteit van Tilburg - Universiteit van TilburgDe Universiteit van Tilburg streeft ernaar via onderzoek en onderwijs meer inzicht te krijgen in maatschappelijke vraagstukken en bijdragen aan een betere samenleving.
uvt.nl Tags
uvt.nl is a website that ranks 45,255 in Alexa. uvt.nl is ranked 50,110 on statisy and has 116,764 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Feb 27 2000 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) uvt.nl is identical to the domain name uvt.nl. The domain is registered under the domain suffix nl and is named uvt. The uvt.nl Server is hosted by SURFnet, The Netherlands and is located in Netherlands (Overijssel). uvt.nl is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing uvt.nl's demographics we have determined that uvt.nl average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that uvt.nl's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about uvt.nl's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Middle Eastern.uvt.nl's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsuvt.nl Statistics Icons
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uvt.nl Backlinks (116,764 total backlinks)
- 56,900
- 152
- 59,500
- 167
- 45
uvt.nl Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 39,866 0.0041% 0% 3.9 40% 2.72 13%
- 1 month 44,184 0.0037% 0% 3.9 41.1% 3.24 16.3%
- 3 month 45,255 0.00349% 0% 3.88 40% 3.13 15.1%
uvt.nl Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- mystudy.uvt.nl 39.3% 285,686 73,631
- edubb.uvt.nl 30.1% 218,808 56,394
- uvt.nl 11.3% 82,144 21,171
- blackboard.uvt.nl 5.9% 42,889 11,054
- sso.uvt.nl 2.9% 21,081 5,433
- studiegids.uvt.nl 2.9% 21,081 5,433
- nginyang.uvt.nl 2.2% 15,993 4,122
- cdata4.uvt.nl 1.3% 9,450 2,436
- atommail.uvt.nl 1.1% 7,996 2,061
- stumail.uvt.nl 0.8% 5,815 1,499
- rechten.uvt.nl 0.6% 4,362 1,124
- dbiref.uvt.nl 0.4% 2,908 749
- publications.uvt.nl 0.4% 2,908 749
- stuwww.uvt.nl 0.4% 2,908 749
- center.uvt.nl 0.2% 1,454 375
- spitswww.uvt.nl 0.1% 727 187
uvt.nl Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Netherlands 471 82.9% 602,631 155,317
- India 168,521 2.1% 15,266 3,934
- United States 431,975 1.8% 13,085 3,372
- Germany 365,634 0.8% 5,815 1,499
- United Kingdom 298,759 0.7% 5,089 1,311
- Brazil 112,728 0.6% 4,362 1,124
- Other 11% 79,963 20,609
uvt.nl Keywords
- 1.3% ubuntu dvd
- 0.77% uvt
- 0.72% universiteit tilburg
- 0.44% tilburg university
- 0.42% uvt vpn
- 0.38% tilburg
- 0.35% sander wubben
- 0.32% plattegrond uvt
- 0.25% degree
- 0.25% center
- 0.3% uvt
- 0.16% tilburg university
- 0.13% ubuntu live dvd
- 0.11% webwijs
- 0.1% uvt bibliotheek
- 0.1% reiskosten woon werkverkeer
- 0.08% #hl=en
- 0.07% marktplaats
- 0.07% landje van geijzel
- 0.06% spits
- 0.52% ubuntu dvd
- 0.2% plattegrond uvt
- 0.18% universiteit tilburg
- 0.1% memory based tagger
- 0.09% trusted third party
- 0.09% securew2
- 0.07% ubuntu dvd download
- 0.07% uvt gewillige studentes
- 0.07% ibm extreme blue
- 0.07% engwerda
uvt.nl DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.uvt.nl 6 61,676
- ns1.surfnet.nl 47 9,213
- ns2.uvt.nl 6 61,677
uvt.nl Server Info
- Server Type: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/ (N;ecid=841221447236,0)
- IP Address:
- ISP: SURFnet, The Netherlands
- Country Name: Netherlands
- Region: Overijssel
- City: Hengelo
- Latitude: 52.2667
- Longitude: 6.8
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
52.2667,6.8uvt.nl IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- SURFnet, The Netherlands 1103 ripencc
uvt.nl Demographics
- 18-2424
- 25-344
- 35-34-7
- 45-54-17
- 55-64-9
- 65+-24
- No College-36
- Some College-28
- College-13
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K23
- $30 - $60K-12
- $60 - $100K21
- $100K+-29
- Male1
- Female-2
Has Children
- Yes-19
- No30
Browsing Location
- Home3
- School11
- Work-4
- African-11
- African American-36
- Asian-21
- Caucasian8
- Hispanic-26
- Middle Eastern25
- Other20
Same Analytics Account
- Domain PR Rank
- tilburguniversity.nl 8 279,654
- 18-24