- vatanim.com.trWorldwide Rank1,873
- vatanim.com.trMonthly Users*2,594,39083,690 per day*
- vatanim.com.trMonthly Pageviews*37,177,6111,199,277.77 per day*
vatanim.com.tr updated ago
www.gazetevatan.comvatanim.com.tr is a website that ranks 1,873 in Alexa. vatanim.com.tr is ranked 1,417 on statisy and has 23,400 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) vatanim.com.tr is identical to the domain name vatanim.com.tr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix com.tr and is named vatanim. The vatanim.com.tr Server is hosted by Dogan Iletisim Elektronik Servis Hizmetleri AS and is located in Turkey (Istanbul). vatanim.com.tr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing vatanim.com.tr's demographics we have determined that vatanim.com.tr average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that vatanim.com.tr's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about vatanim.com.tr's average user, they have Children and browse from School and are Middle Eastern.vatanim.com.tr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsvatanim.com.tr Statistics Icons
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vatanim.com.tr Backlinks (23,400 total backlinks)
- 13,700
- 80
- 9,570
- 34
- 16
vatanim.com.tr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,797 0.054% 0% 14 22.8% 10.62 9.6%
- 7 day 1,954 0.049% 0% 14.3 21.5% 11.26 9.7%
- 1 month 1,906 0.0493% 0% 14.9 21.3% 12.48 9.6%
- 3 month 1,873 0.0499% 0% 14.33 21.2% 12.49 10%
vatanim.com.tr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- gazetevatan.com 72.3% 26,879,413 1,875,744
- haber.gazetevatan.com 14.2% 5,279,221 368,403
- vatanim.com.tr 7.5% 2,788,321 194,579
- top100.gazetevatan.com 2% 743,552 51,888
- w9.gazetevatan.com 1.1% 408,954 28,538
- videogaleri.gazetevatan.com 0.6% 223,066 15,566
- mailbox.gazetevatan.com 0.5% 185,888 12,972
- vatanim.com 0.5% 185,888 12,972
- astroloji.gazetevatan.com 0.3% 111,533 7,783
- arsiv2.gazetevatan.com 0.2% 74,355 5,189
- cebimde.gazetevatan.com 0.2% 74,355 5,189
- oyunparki.gazetevatan.com 0.1% 37,178 2,594
- w10.gazetevatan.com 0.1% 37,178 2,594
- haber.vatanim.com.tr 0.1% 37,178 2,594
- iddaa.gazetevatan.com 0.1% 37,178 2,594
- w10.vatanim.com.tr 0.1% 37,178 2,594
- finans.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- bizimkahve.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- foto.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- fotograf.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- interaktif.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- pazarvatan.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
- sinema.gazetevatan.com 0% 0 0
vatanim.com.tr Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Turkey 32 82.7% 30,745,884 2,145,561
- Germany 2,417 4.9% 1,821,703 127,125
- United States 22,197 2.1% 780,730 54,482
- Austria 829 1.6% 594,842 41,510
- Russian Federation 9,374 1.1% 408,954 28,538
- Islamic Republic of Iran 3,405 1% 371,776 25,944
- Azerbaijan 816 0.9% 334,598 23,350
- Australia 5,213 0.6% 223,066 15,566
- United Kingdom 17,458 0.5% 185,888 12,972
- Other 4.6% 1,710,170 119,342
vatanim.com.tr Keywords
- 38.7% vatan
- 5.65% vatan gazetesi
- 4.96% facebook
- 3.17% gazete vatan
- 2.59% gazetevatan
- 0.79% youtube
- 0.71% v atan gazetesi oku
- 0.59% al dedi git dedi
- 0.58% yiğit bulut
- 0.36% gazete
- 2.02% vatan gazetesi
- 1.47% vatan
- 1.18% face
- 0.93% gazetevatan
- 0.19% yetenek sizsiniz türkiye
- 0.13% key
- 0.12% ruhat mengi
- 0.12% gazete vatanı
- 0.11% recep ivedik 3
- 0.08% seks
- 4.57% facebook
- 0.73% youtube
- 0.22% merve sevi
- 0.19% yahşi batı
- 0.16% Taraf
- 0.15% gazete vatan
- 0.14% al dedi git dedi
- 0.13% yiğit bulut
- 0.12% soul kitchen
- 0.12% gazeteler
vatanim.com.tr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- pivol4 16 26,295
vatanim.com.tr Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
- IP Address:
- ISP: Dogan Iletisim Elektronik Servis Hizmetleri AS
- Country Name: Turkey
- Region: Istanbul
- City: Istanbul
- Latitude: 41.0186
- Longitude: 28.9647
- Postal Code:
41.0186,28.9647vatanim.com.tr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Dogan Iletisim Elektronik Servis Hizmetleri AS 12978 ripencc
vatanim.com.tr Demographics
- 18-2417
- 25-349
- 35-34-1
- 45-54-22
- 55-64-38
- 65+0
- No College-3
- Some College-23
- College-16
- Graduate School42
- $0 - $30K-6
- $30 - $60K-5
- $60 - $100K-9
- $100K+26
- Male31
- Female-19
Has Children
- Yes3
- No-3
Browsing Location
- Home-5
- School45
- Work1
- African-28
- African American-17
- Asian-14
- Caucasian-38
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
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- 18-24