- vatera.huWorldwide Rank4,661
- vatera.huMonthly Users*1,119,59036,115.81 per day*
- vatera.huMonthly Pageviews*16,771,464541,014.97 per day*
vatera.hu updated ago
Vatera.hu árverés: olcsó laptop, mobil, telefon, mp3 lejátszó, régiségLaptop, mobil, telefon, mp3 lejátszó, régiség árverés Magyarország legnagyobb aukciós oldalán a Vatera.hu-n. Vaterázz!
vatera.hu Tags
vatera.hu is a website that ranks 4,661 in Alexa. vatera.hu is ranked 2,716 on statisy and has 3,300,665 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) vatera.hu is identical to the domain name vatera.hu. The domain is registered under the domain suffix hu and is named vatera. The vatera.hu Server is hosted by Invitel Tavkozlesi Zrt. and is located in Hungary (Budapest). vatera.hu is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing vatera.hu's demographics we have determined that vatera.hu average users are 35-44 years old, with No College. We also have determined that vatera.hu's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about vatera.hu's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Other.vatera.hu's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsvatera.hu Statistics Icons
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vatera.hu Backlinks (3,300,665 total backlinks)
- 2,150,000
- 423
- 1,150,000
- 217
- 25
vatera.hu Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 4,430 0.0229% 0% 17.6 18.4% 13.28 11.9%
- 7 day 4,938 0.0208% 0% 16 18.9% 13.01 12%
- 1 month 5,018 0.0203% 0% 15.4 19.2% 12.66 12.6%
- 3 month 4,661 0.02158% 0% 14.98 20.6% 12.09 14%
vatera.hu Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- vatera.hu 98.9% 16,586,978 1,107,275
- nl.vatera.hu 0.4% 67,086 4,478
- img.vatera.hu 0.3% 50,314 3,359
- nso.vatera.hu 0.2% 33,543 2,239
- blikk.vatera.hu 0.1% 16,771 1,120
- honfoglaloco.vatera.hu 0.1% 16,771 1,120
- origo.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- honfoglalo.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- bppiac.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- bababirodalom.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- arukereso.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- babaszoba.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- n2.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- slagerradio.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
- wiw.vatera.hu 0% 0 0
vatera.hu Keywords
- 11.14% vatera
- 3.07% vatera.hu
- 0.15% www.vatera.hu
- 0.07% fütyülős kulcstartó
- 0.07% vetera
- 0.07% olcsó laptop
- 0.06% kinyithato medál
- 0.06% dalmi01 vatera
- 0.05% undefined
- 0.05% 3d szemüveg
- 1.53% vatera
- 0.32% vatera.hu
- 0.04% vatera aukcio
- 0.04% orton 4100c
- 0.03% asus a6000
- 0.03% jackson performer
- 0.03% mini dv md80
- 0.03% elado salakmotor
- 0.03% karaoke studio pro
- 0.03% Under Armour
- 0.04% nokia n
- 0.04% ka09 mini
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- 0.03% xbox 360 joystick
- 0.03% kensington fm transmitter
- 0.03% kopolit üveg ár
- 0.03% asus p5vd2-mx
- 0.02% compaq armada e500
- 0.02% "elko ep"
- 0.02% sciphone i9
vatera.hu Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Invitel Tavkozlesi Zrt.
- Country Name: Hungary
- Region: Budapest
- City: Budapest
- Latitude: 47.5
- Longitude: 19.0833
- Postal Code:
47.5,19.0833vatera.hu IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Invitel Tavkozlesi Zrt. 12301 ripencc
vatera.hu Demographics
- 18-24-22
- 25-3421
- 35-3426
- 45-54-26
- 55-64-18
- 65+-25
- No College49
- Some College-24
- College-5
- Graduate School3
- $0 - $30K26
- $30 - $60K8
- $60 - $100K-12
- $100K+-23
- Male-1
- Female1
Has Children
- Yes-8
- No9
Browsing Location
- Home3
- School6
- Work-3
- African-28
- African American-34
- Asian-46
- Caucasian-9
- Hispanic-33
- Middle Eastern42
- Other49
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