- wat.tvWorldwide Rank1,165
- wat.tvMonthly Users*5,036,241162,459.39 per day*
- wat.tvMonthly Pageviews*26,792,804864,284 per day*
wat.tv updated ago
WAT TV - Vidéo, Clip, Buzz. Votre Media Vidéo - Wat.tvPubliez vos vidéos, vos musiques et vos photos sur votre espace WAT et retrouvez les à la télévision !
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wat.tv is a website that ranks 1,165 in Alexa. wat.tv is ranked 1,818 on statisy and has 1,685,289 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) wat.tv is identical to the domain name wat.tv. The domain is registered under the domain suffix tv and is named wat. The wat.tv Server is hosted by e-TF1 Autonomous System and is located in France (). wat.tv is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing wat.tv's demographics we have determined that wat.tv average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that wat.tv's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about wat.tv's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are African.wat.tv's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticswat.tv Statistics Icons
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wat.tv Backlinks (1,685,289 total backlinks)
- 1,670,000
- 10,800
- 504
- 3,060
- 925
wat.tv Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 838 0.136% 0% 4.6 25.8% 6.22 22.2%
- 7 day 1,084 0.11% 0% 4.76 26.7% 6.34 24.1%
- 1 month 1,159 0.1009% 0% 5.12 26.7% 6.38 24.3%
- 3 month 1,165 0.0971% 0% 5.32 26.3% 6.44 21.9%
wat.tv Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- wat.tv 98.8% 26,471,290 4,975,806
- med.wat.tv 0.6% 160,757 30,217
- eurosport.wat.tv 0.3% 80,378 15,109
- upload.wat.tv 0.1% 26,793 5,036
- s.wat.tv 0% 0 0
- wdl-26.wat.tv 0% 0 0
- wdl-69.wat.tv 0% 0 0
- videosl3.wat.tv 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
wat.tv Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- France 72 51.3% 13,744,708 2,583,592
- Japan 733 10.9% 2,920,416 548,950
- Algeria 98 6.8% 1,821,911 342,464
- Belgium 95 6.4% 1,714,739 322,319
- Morocco 75 3.9% 1,044,919 196,413
- Switzerland 188 2.7% 723,406 135,979
- United States 14,500 2.3% 616,234 115,834
- Canada 1,191 2% 535,856 100,725
- Germany 8,916 0.9% 241,135 45,326
- China 16,291 0.8% 214,342 40,290
- United Kingdom 10,065 0.6% 160,757 30,217
- Poland 2,884 0.5% 133,964 25,181
- Other 9.8% 2,625,695 493,552
wat.tv Keywords
- 5.37% Wat
- 4.48% wat tv
- 0.48% wat.tv
- 0.41% tunisia sat
- 0.28% startimes2
- 0.24% dragon ball kai
- 0.21% wattv
- 0.2% eurosport
- 0.19% tv
- 0.18% balti
- 0.32% wat tv
- 0.09% chatroulette
- 0.09% musique
- 0.07% free6
- 0.07% jeux video
- 0.06% megafilm
- 0.06% elfen lied
- 0.05% gmai
- 0.04% sexting
- 0.04% spiderman 4
- 0.08% tunisia sat
- 0.07% sex 2009
- 0.07% one piece 414
- 0.07% facbook
- 0.07% badjojo
- 0.06% startimes2
- 0.06% bleach 254
- 0.05% story of laly
- 0.05% wat.tv
- 0.05% 20 minutes
wat.tv DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.coltfrance.com 95 4,229
- ns1.nan2.fr.uu.net 99 4,099
wat.tv Server Info
- Server Type: BustaWS/3.0.2
- IP Address:
- ISP: e-TF1 Autonomous System
- Country Name: France
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 46
- Longitude: 2
- Postal Code:
46,2wat.tv IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- e-TF1 Autonomous System 49477 ripencc
wat.tv Demographics
- 18-2418
- 25-3413
- 35-34-8
- 45-54-18
- 55-64-19
- 65+-25
- No College-12
- Some College-29
- College-26
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K25
- $30 - $60K9
- $60 - $100K-14
- $100K+-21
- Male14
- Female-14
Has Children
- Yes-9
- No11
Browsing Location
- Home12
- School1
- Work-10
- African49
- African American-18
- Asian-37
- Caucasian6
- Hispanic-34
- Middle Eastern19
- Other27
wat.tv Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- tfmdistribution.com 0 1,103,647
- oss117.fr 5 1,218,520
- dvdrama.fr 0 1,260,394
- tf1conso.fr 2 1,391,063
- tf1pub.fr 5 1,594,561
- ugcdistribution.fr 5 1,772,182
- dvdrama.com 4 351,805
- om110ans.net 5 450,191
- lci.fr 7 182,431
- lnb.fr 5 142,656
- 18-24