- wikimedia.orgWorldwide Rank163
- wikimedia.orgMonthly Users*39,242,5901,265,890 per day*
- wikimedia.orgMonthly Pageviews*81,624,5872,633,051.19 per day*
wikimedia.org updated ago
Wikimedia FoundationWikimedia is owned and operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to bringing free content to the world.
wikimedia.org is a website that ranks 163 in Alexa. wikimedia.org is ranked 795 on statisy and has 4,338,870 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Mar 16 2003 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) wikimedia.org is identical to the domain name wikimedia.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named wikimedia. The wikimedia.org Server is hosted by Wikimedia US network and is located in United States (California). wikimedia.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing wikimedia.org's demographics we have determined that wikimedia.org average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that wikimedia.org's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about wikimedia.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.wikimedia.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticswikimedia.org Statistics Icons
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wikimedia.org Backlinks (4,338,870 total backlinks)
- 0
- 35,170
- 4,270,000
- 18,700
- 15,000
wikimedia.org Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 174 0.692% 0% 2.37 74.3% 1.75 34.3%
- 7 day 178 0.694% 0% 2.1 73.9% 1.62 32%
- 1 month 174 0.717% 0% 2.09 74.3% 1.61 32%
- 3 month 163 0.756% 0% 2.08 74% 1.6 33.2%
wikimedia.org Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- upload.wikimedia.org 55.4% 45,220,021 21,740,395
- commons.wikimedia.org 38.3% 31,262,217 15,029,912
- meta.wikimedia.org 1.9% 1,550,867 745,609
- lists.wikimedia.org 1.1% 897,870 431,668
- species.wikimedia.org 0.8% 652,997 313,941
- wikimedia.org 0.7% 571,372 274,698
- download.wikimedia.org 0.6% 489,748 235,456
- OTHER 0.6% 489,748 235,456
- svn.wikimedia.org 0.3% 244,874 117,728
- dumps.wikimedia.org 0.2% 163,249 78,485
- bugzilla.wikimedia.org 0.1% 81,625 39,243
- stats.wikimedia.org 0.1% 81,625 39,243
wikimedia.org Keywords
- 0.78% wikipedia
- 0.58% wikimedia
- 0.41% wikimedia commons
- 0.29% wiki commons
- 0.11% wikipedia commons
- 0.11% wikicommons
- 0.1% commons
- 0.1% crystal clear
- 0.08% facebook logo
- 0.06% MediaWiki
- 0.13% wikipedia
- 0.13% wikimedia commons
- 0.1% Penis
- 0.09% vulva
- 0.04% hurva synagogue
- 0.03% eduard khil
- 0.02% 維基
- 0.02% presalemaster.com
- 0.02% 837 p.r.
- 0.01% tiananmen square
- 0.02% facebook logo
- 0.02% mediawiki default passwords
- 0.02% commons wikimedia
- 0.02% wiki commons
- 0.01% mediawiki eigenes layout
- 0.01% w3school
- 0.01% magnifying glass icon
- 0.01% tex 数式
- 0.01% nessa devil wikipedia
- 0.01% shaved
wikimedia.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns0.wikimedia.org 27 22,228
- ns1.wikimedia.org 27 22,229
- ns2.wikimedia.org 27 22,227
wikimedia.org Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Wikimedia US network
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: San Francisco
- Latitude: 37.7697
- Longitude: -122.393
- Postal Code: 94107
- Website Age: old
37.7697,-122.393wikimedia.org IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Wikimedia US network 14907 arin
wikimedia.org Demographics
- 18-2426
- 25-344
- 35-34-8
- 45-54-14
- 55-64-19
- 65+-24
- No College-7
- Some College-2
- College-1
- Graduate School4
- $0 - $30K12
- $30 - $60K-1
- $60 - $100K-6
- $100K+-8
- Male18
- Female-16
Has Children
- Yes-10
- No12
Browsing Location
- Home2
- School11
- Work-3
- African-8
- African American-19
- Asian-17
- Caucasian16
- Hispanic9
- Middle Eastern5
- Other-2
Runs On Apache
- Domain PR Rank
- fekrgostar.ir 0 0
- roulettecollectors.com 4 702,042
- sportcentar.ba 0 702,043
- autogieldapolska.pl 2 702,047
- 0618.us 3 702,054
wikimedia.org Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- wikipedia.org 0 72
- wikipedia.com 0 73
- wiktionary.org 7 2,653
- wikisource.org 7 9,573
- wikimedia.org 6 795
- wiktionary.com 7 806,743
- wikiquote.com 0 831,565
- wikibooks.org 7 6,629
- wikipedia.lt 0 907,046
- wikipedia.net 9 910,236
- 18-24