- xmissy.nlWorldwide Rank7,297
- xmissy.nlMonthly Users*1,128,78336,412.35 per day*
- xmissy.nlMonthly Pageviews*3,115,442100,498.13 per day*
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xmissy.nl is a website that ranks 7,297 in Alexa. xmissy.nl is ranked 12,810 on statisy and has 124,082 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Feb 25 2005 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) xmissy.nl is identical to the domain name xmissy.nl. The domain is registered under the domain suffix nl and is named xmissy. The xmissy.nl Server is hosted by Netrouting Data Facilities and is located in Netherlands (Zuid-Holland). xmissy.nl is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing xmissy.nl's demographics we have determined that xmissy.nl average users are 18-24 years old, with Some College. We also have determined that xmissy.nl's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about xmissy.nl's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Caucasian.xmissy.nl's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsxmissy.nl Statistics Icons
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xmissy.nl Backlinks (124,082 total backlinks)
- 10,400
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- 102
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- 194
xmissy.nl Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 7,490 0.022% 0% 3 42.7% 3.19 12.7%
- 7 day 7,901 0.0198% 0% 3.1 42.7% 3.33 10%
- 1 month 7,237 0.0219% 0% 2.88 45.1% 2.93 8.6%
- 3 month 7,297 0.0216% 0% 2.76 44.4% 2.67 8.4%
xmissy.nl Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- xmissy.nl 99.6% 3,102,980 1,124,268
- media.xmissy.nl 0.4% 12,462 4,515
xmissy.nl Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Netherlands 408 17.3% 538,971 195,279
- United States 10,557 15.3% 476,663 172,704
- Germany 4,992 8.3% 258,582 93,689
- Spain 2,546 7.1% 221,196 80,144
- Belgium 467 6.9% 214,965 77,886
- Mexico 2,817 4.6% 143,310 51,924
- France 5,308 3.7% 115,271 41,765
- United Kingdom 7,966 3.5% 109,040 39,507
- Italy 6,173 3.1% 96,579 34,992
- Japan 13,149 2.9% 90,348 32,735
- Brazil 6,166 2.3% 71,655 25,962
- Switzerland 1,625 2.1% 65,424 23,704
- Poland 3,859 2% 62,309 22,576
- Canada 10,186 1.5% 46,732 16,932
- Russian Federation 32,045 1.4% 43,616 15,803
- Turkey 7,884 1.2% 37,385 13,545
- Norway 3,847 1.1% 34,270 12,417
- Austria 5,579 1.1% 34,270 12,417
- Sweden 7,519 1% 31,154 11,288
- Argentina 5,029 1% 31,154 11,288
- Republic of Korea 8,574 0.9% 28,039 10,159
- Romania 5,026 0.8% 24,924 9,030
- India 109,157 0.8% 24,924 9,030
- Australia 14,228 0.8% 24,924 9,030
- China 73,790 0.7% 21,808 7,901
- Colombia 4,560 0.7% 21,808 7,901
- Ukraine 15,548 0.5% 15,577 5,644
- Other 7.6% 236,774 85,788
xmissy.nl Keywords
- 82.63% xmissy
- 2.98% x missy nl
- 1.84% x missy
- 1.75% xmissy nl
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- 0.07% xmissy.com
xmissy.nl DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.transip.net 1,087 550
- ns0.transip.net 2,419 251
- ns1.transip.net 1,073 567
xmissy.nl Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.6.32
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.6-2ubuntu4.3
- IP Address:
- ISP: Netrouting Data Facilities
- Country Name: Netherlands
- Region: Zuid-Holland
- City: Den Haag
- Latitude: 52.0833
- Longitude: 4.3
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
52.0833,4.3xmissy.nl IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Netrouting Data Facilities 47869 ripencc
xmissy.nl Demographics
- 18-2428
- 25-3413
- 35-34-6
- 45-54-19
- 55-64-23
- 65+-28
- No College2
- Some College5
- College-2
- Graduate School-3
- $0 - $30K10
- $30 - $60K3
- $60 - $100K-7
- $100K+-10
- Male49
- Female-45
Has Children
- Yes-16
- No20
Browsing Location
- Home22
- School-14
- Work-15
- African-30
- African American-20
- Asian-40
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic45
- Middle Eastern-15
- Other-7
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