- xoom.itWorldwide Rank354
- xoom.itMonthly Users*15,319,204494,167.87 per day*
- xoom.itMonthly Pageviews*73,991,7542,386,830.77 per day*
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xoom.it is a website that ranks 354 in Alexa. xoom.it is ranked 835 on statisy and has 66,846 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Sep 29 2000 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) xoom.it is identical to the domain name xoom.it. The domain is registered under the domain suffix it and is named xoom. The xoom.it Server is hosted by Matrix S.p.A. and is located in Italy (Lombardia). xoom.it is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing xoom.it's demographics we have determined that xoom.it average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that xoom.it's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about xoom.it's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Other.xoom.it's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsxoom.it Statistics Icons
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xoom.it Backlinks (66,846 total backlinks)
- 38,800
- 110
- 27,800
- 116
- 20
xoom.it Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 424 0.256% 0% 4.5 33.6% 6.19 15.1%
- 7 day 376 0.286% 0% 4.53 32.5% 6.55 15.3%
- 1 month 370 0.288% 0% 4.69 32.1% 6.7 14.7%
- 3 month 354 0.2954% 0% 4.83 31.8% 6.86 14.7%
xoom.it Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- tin.it 46.3% 34,258,182 7,092,791
- viaggi.virgilio.it 12.7% 9,396,953 1,945,539
- xoomer.virgilio.it 10.5% 7,769,134 1,608,516
- go.virgilio.it 6.9% 5,105,431 1,057,025
- help.virgilio.it 6.3% 4,661,481 965,110
- virgilio.it 5.9% 4,365,513 903,833
- xoom.virgilio.it 1.8% 1,331,852 275,746
- communicator.virgilio.it 1.7% 1,257,860 260,426
- mmedia.tin.it 1.7% 1,257,860 260,426
- parole.virgilio.it 1.1% 813,909 168,511
- pigotte.virgilio.it 1.1% 813,909 168,511
- rossoalice.virgilio.it 1.1% 813,909 168,511
- meetic.virgilio.it 0.8% 591,934 122,554
- sport.virgilio.it 0.6% 443,951 91,915
- barilla.virgilio.it 0.3% 221,975 45,958
- mobile.virgilio.it 0.3% 221,975 45,958
- monster.virgilio.it 0.3% 221,975 45,958
- smart.tin.it 0.3% 221,975 45,958
- web.tin.it 0.3% 221,975 45,958
- aliceposta.virgilio.it 0.1% 73,992 15,319
xoom.it Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Italy 12 90.2% 66,740,562 13,817,922
- India 1,181 2.8% 2,071,769 428,938
- China 8,927 0.7% 517,942 107,234
- United Kingdom 2,227 0.7% 517,942 107,234
- United States 20,683 0.6% 443,951 91,915
- Germany 5,562 0.5% 369,959 76,596
- Other 4.5% 3,329,629 689,364
xoom.it Keywords
- 6.6% virgilio
- 2.19% virgilio mail
- 0.69% sinonimi e contrari
- 0.63% virgilio.it
- 0.44% vivastreet
- 0.35% tin.it
- 0.35% ALICE
- 0.29% sinonimi
- 0.25% www.virgilio.it
- 0.24% oknotizie
- 0.89% virgilio
- 0.78% virgilio mail
- 0.15% pagine bianche
- 0.12% sinonimi e contrari
- 0.1% ok notizie
- 0.1% oknotizie
- 0.09% alice mail
- 0.08% lockerz
- 0.07% lady gaga
- 0.05% sanremo 2010
- 0.2% scaricare video da youtube
- 0.13% ALICE
- 0.12% sinonimi
- 0.08% vivastreet
- 0.08% motori di ricerca
- 0.04% badoo
- 0.03% pagine gialle
- 0.03% TIN
- 0.03% virgilio meteo
- 0.03% configurare utorrent
xoom.it DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.xoom.virgilio.it 1 383,609
- ns1.xoom.virgilio.it 1 383,610
xoom.it Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Matrix S.p.A.
- Country Name: Italy
- Region: Lombardia
- City: Milan
- Latitude: 45.4667
- Longitude: 9.2
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
45.4667,9.2xoom.it IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Matrix S.p.A. 8660 ripencc
xoom.it Demographics
- 18-24-11
- 25-345
- 35-3416
- 45-54-4
- 55-64-20
- 65+-26
- No College-13
- Some College-10
- College-8
- Graduate School22
- $0 - $30K35
- $30 - $60K8
- $60 - $100K-19
- $100K+-25
- Male22
- Female-18
Has Children
- Yes-12
- No16
Browsing Location
- Home-7
- School-18
- Work10
- African-28
- African American-34
- Asian-37
- Caucasian11
- Hispanic12
- Middle Eastern-2
- Other49
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