- yahoo.com.twWorldwide Rank4
- yahoo.com.twMonthly Users*1,135,565,32136,631,139.39 per day*
- yahoo.com.twMonthly Pageviews*8,369,116,413269,971,497.19 per day*
yahoo.com.tw updated ago
yahoo.com.tw is a website that ranks 4 in Alexa. yahoo.com.tw is ranked 25 on statisy and has 3,334,224 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) yahoo.com.tw is identical to the domain name yahoo.com.tw. The domain is registered under the domain suffix com.tw and is named yahoo. The yahoo.com.tw Server is hosted by Internet Content Provider and is located in Taiwan (T'ai-pei). yahoo.com.tw is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing yahoo.com.tw's demographics we have determined that yahoo.com.tw average users are 65+ years old, with Some College. We also have determined that yahoo.com.tw's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about yahoo.com.tw's average user, they have Children and browse from Home and are Asian.yahoo.com.tw's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsyahoo.com.tw Statistics Icons
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yahoo.com.tw Backlinks (3,334,224 total backlinks)
- 2,030,000
- 64,224
- 1,240,000
- 0
- 0
yahoo.com.tw Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 4 24.666% 2% 7.37 31.1% 9.27 7.5%
- 1 month 4 24.38% 2% 7.34 31.2% 9.23 7.3%
- 7 day 4 24.02% 2% 7.27 31.6% 9.08 7.4%
- Yesterday 4 23.62% 2% 7.1 31.6% 8.51 7%
yahoo.com.tw Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- mail.yahoo.com 17.85% 1,493,887,280 202,698,410
- search.yahoo.com 16.94% 1,417,728,320 192,364,765
- login.yahoo.com 9% 753,220,477 102,200,879
- news.yahoo.com 6.75% 564,915,358 76,650,659
- answers.yahoo.com 5.34% 446,910,816 60,639,188
- cn.yahoo.com 4.08% 341,459,950 46,331,065
- yahoo.com 3.54% 296,266,721 40,199,012
- finance.yahoo.com 3.51% 293,755,986 39,858,343
- sports.yahoo.com 2.49% 208,390,999 28,275,576
- OTHER 2.42% 202,532,617 27,480,681
- wrs.yahoo.com 2.13% 178,262,180 24,187,541
- bid.yahoo.com 2.08% 174,077,621 23,619,759
- groups.yahoo.com 1.53% 128,047,481 17,374,149
- fantasysports.yahoo.com 1.33% 111,309,248 15,103,019
- omg.yahoo.com 1.06% 88,712,634 12,036,992
- stock.yahoo.com 0.94% 78,669,694 10,674,314
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- store.yahoo.net 0.79% 66,116,020 8,970,966
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- knowledge.yahoo.com 0.53% 44,356,317 6,018,496
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- auctions.yahoo.com 0.42% 35,150,289 4,769,374
- eurosport.yahoo.com 0.41% 34,313,377 4,655,818
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- toolbar.yahoo.com 0.16% 13,390,586 1,816,905
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- realestate.yahoo.com 0.15% 12,553,675 1,703,348
- de.yahoo.com 0.14% 11,716,763 1,589,791
- ca.yahoo.com 0.13% 10,879,851 1,476,235
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- au.yahoo.com 0.09% 7,532,205 1,022,009
- blog.yahoo.com 0.08% 6,695,293 908,452
- play.yahoo.com 0.08% 6,695,293 908,452
- webhosting.yahoo.com 0.08% 6,695,293 908,452
- chat.yahoo.com 0.08% 6,695,293 908,452
- movie.yahoo.com 0.08% 6,695,293 908,452
- europe.yahoo.com 0.07% 5,858,381 794,896
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- maps.yahoo.com 0.07% 5,858,381 794,896
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- deportes.yahoo.com 0.06% 5,021,470 681,339
- downloads.yahoo.com 0.06% 5,021,470 681,339
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- india.yahoo.com 0.05% 4,184,558 567,783
- bookmarks.yahoo.com 0.05% 4,184,558 567,783
yahoo.com.tw Keywords
- 7.64% yahoo
- 3% yahoo mail
- 0.88% yahoo.com
- 0.69% yahoomail
- 0.4% www.yahoo.com
- 0.26% mail
- 0.25% yahoo.fr
- 0.2% yahoo finance
- 0.16% yahoo messenger
- 0.16% yahoo answers
- 0.09% www.yahoo.com
- 0.07% yahoo.com
- 0.05% yahoo finance
- 0.04% mapquest
- 0.03% 撫平細紋
- 0.03% nfl free agents
- 0.02% tour de france
- 0.02% google
- 0.02% goog
- 0.02% yahoo indonesia
yahoo.com.tw DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns3.yahoo.com 448 1,336
- ns2.yahoo.com 442 1,348
- ns1.yahoo.com 451 1,327
- ns5.yahoo.com 450 1,332
- ns4.yahoo.com 398 1,496
yahoo.com.tw Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: Internet Content Provider
- Country Name: Taiwan
- Region: T'ai-pei
- City: Taipei
- Latitude: 25.0392
- Longitude: 121.525
- Postal Code:
25.0392,121.525yahoo.com.tw IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Internet Content Provider 10229 apnic
- Internet Content Provider 24031 apnic
yahoo.com.tw Demographics
- 18-24-1
- 25-341
- 35-34-1
- 45-54-1
- 55-64-4
- 65+14
- No College-5
- Some College2
- College2
- Graduate School-2
- $0 - $30K-1
- $30 - $60K-1
- $60 - $100K1
- $100K+-1
- Male-2
- Female2
Has Children
- Yes-1
- No-1
Browsing Location
- Home3
- School3
- Work-3
- African-5
- African American-2
- Asian5
- Caucasian4
- Hispanic2
- Middle Eastern-3
- Other-10
yahoo.com.tw Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- yahoo.com.tw 9 25
- kimo.com.tw 0 39
- 18-24